Maia Knight court case explored as TikToker's slammed for not showing her babies faces

Publish date: 2024-05-19

Popular TikToker Maia Knight is facing severe backlash after announcing her decision to stop sharing images and videos of her twin daughters on social media after creating a brand out of it.

The social media influencer is popular for creating videos centering around being a single parent and being a mom to her twins. She recently announced that she will be creating content about her own life rather than sharing the lives of her children.

Her fans were not too pleased with the news, wondering why there was a sudden change of heart.

Maia Knight with her twin children, Scout and Violet (Image via Instagram)

While many were upset about the news, wondering if they'd ever see the children again, some thought that the decision came a little too late, especially after Knight had created an entire identity behind it.

One such critic, took to Twitter to comment on the situation, calling the TikToker "the worst" and accusing her of exploitation. The Tweet said:

"yeah, you made a choice AFTER turning them into a literal brand and exploiting the crap out of them for $. Maia Knight is the absolute worst."

Maia Knight under heat amid rumors of court case

Maia Knight has been under severe scrutiny since she decided that she would not be showing her children's faces anymore, nor will she be sharing details about their lives.

Her two kids, Scout and Violet, are nicknamed Scotch and Vodka and details about the father are limited. However, rumors have it that Maia's baby daddy has filed a case against her for endangering their child.

A Reddit page named maiaknightsnark, which is famous for posting snarky tidbits about the influencer, posted an image of the discussion on the page.

There is not much to say about the case, except that records of it are available to the public, but they are heavily redacted as minors are involved. Scout and Violet's dad, according to their mom, abandoned them and her after a one night's stand. She mentioned that he wanted Maia to get an abortion and wanted nothing to do with the girls.

Netizens have taken to Twitter to comment on the whole debacle, saying it is weird how strangers feel a sense of entitlement and possession over others' children, despite having no claim of their own.

In addition, they diss her for misusing her children and then deciding to protect them, claiming that the damage is already done.

Word is that Maia Knight is no longer allowed to post her children on social media due to the lawsuit filed by her baby daddy, but how much of that claim is true is uncertain and remains uncorroborated.

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