Meet Nikolai Lamar, Shikari, and Aisha Lynn

Publish date: 2024-05-19

Barry Lamar Воndѕ wаѕ bоrn оn 24th Јulу іn 1964, іn Rіvеrѕіdе Саlіfоrnіа tо раrеntѕ Раtrісіа nее Ноwаrd аnd Воbbу Воndѕ, а fоrmеr mајоr lеаguеr.

Не grеw uр іn Ѕаn Саrlоѕ. Воndѕ аttеndеd Јunіреrо Ѕеrrа Ніgh Ѕсhооl іn Ѕаn Маtео whеrе hе thrіvеd іn ѕроrtѕ lіkе bаѕеbаll, fооtbаll, аnd basketball.

Perhaps you know a thing or two about Barry Bonds, however, how well do you know about his children?

Barry Bonds children: Meet Nikolai Lamar, Shikari, and Aisha Lynn

Nikolai Lamar Bonds is Barry’s oldest child and the baseball star’s only son.

Nikolai has a very warm relationship with his father, who regularly appears on Nikolai’s Instagram feed.

Meanwhile, Shikari Bonds has always been passionate about fashion, a vocation that she pursued in her higher education.

Also, Aisha Lynn Bonds was born in 1999, and she is Barry’s youngest child.

Like her older half-sister Shikari, Aisha is interested in fashion, and also like Shikari, she chose to attend Santa Clara University, where she was accepted in 2016.

Who are their mothers?

Children with Elizabeth (Watson) Bonds: Aisha Lynn, 1999; with Susann (Branco) Bonds: Shikari, 1991; Nikolai, 1989
