Vile 'Justin Bieber comes out as gay' meme on Instagram enrages fans

Publish date: 2024-05-19

Beliebers are furious upon coming across a ridiculous meme on Instagram, which claims: “Justin Bieber comes out as gay”.

The nasty joke has given birth to rumors about the singer’s sexuality, which are circulating across different social media platforms. However, many aren’t aware of the fact that Justin Bieber shut down rumors about him being gay years ago.

As sickening as it is, the singer, his wife Hailey Bieber, and former girlfriend Selena Gomez have been dragged into the never-ending Internet drama, and fans are tired of it.

After defending the singer’s marriage from crude remarks suggesting Justin and Hailey should get a divorce, fans are shutting down trolls for spreading false rumors that claim he’s gay.

‘Justin Bieber comes out as gay’ meme traces back to Instagram

The post in question was shared by the Instagram account @childhoodpost, which is famous for its collection of memes.

On Thursday, the account posted a picture of Justin in a pink beanie with an overlay text that reads: “Justin Bieber comes out as gay.”

It also features a fake quote, claiming to have come from the singer, which says he woke up and wanted to have intercourse with a “dude”. Not only is the meme problematic on so many levels, but it also disrespects the gay community at once with an inappropriate remark; as if there’s nothing more to a homosexual relationship besides the physical act.

On the other hand, Justin’s fans have called out the meme for being fake and targeting the singer for no reason with baseless claims which many have come to believe.

Vile post enrages fans

Unsurprisingly, fans are not finding the meme funny and have slammed the post for spreading fake rumors about Justin’s personal life when he’s already embroiled in enough drama.

One wrote: “How can you all believe this so easily? *sigh* Let the man be. And his personal life is not your business.”

“Bro, for any grown adult to think this is real, proves how much our intelligence and intellectual judgment have declined,” said another.

A third fan wrote: “He’s too obsessed and in love with his wife. Y’all are weirdos.”

“And you think this is funny? Chasing clout. Please get a life,” said another.

Singer clarified his sexuality in 2015

Justin has clarified in the past that he isn’t gay, and even if he were, being called gay wasn’t an insult.

One video shared to his Instagram account on June 1, 2015, shows him planting a friendly kiss on his bodyguard’s cheek, while they were on a plane.

According to MTV, in the video which has no sound, the bodyguard is allegedly heard saying “you’re gay” after Justin kissed him on the cheek.

The singer responded with an assertive caption: “I’m not gay but even if I was that’s not an insult.”

Clearly, Justin is confident about himself and seems to be unbothered by the uncouth behavior of Internet trolls.

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